You are responsible for facilitating maintenance of the piping, tanks, pumps and controls located in your yard between the house and the service connection at the sewer main. If you have an alarm system, it is designed to alert you of high water in the tank. If the alarm activates and stays on for an extended period (several hours), you need to call for service. Other signs of trouble include continuous pump run, backups, and overflows. To assist you, NCWSA prepared a list of contractors ready to work on your system. You must call the contractor directly. The contractor will bill you for the work performed. Contractors include, but are not limited to, the following:
Counts Tractor Service – (803) 321-8134
Independent Plumbing – (803) 924-5877
JHL Construction – (803) 940-1493
Metts Construction – (803) 345-2211
Swygert Construction – (803) 940-7700